The Library Development Branch at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives works with public library directors, staff, and trustees to improve public library services for all Kentuckians. Highlights of KDLA’s services and resources for public libraries can be found on
KDLA Resources for Public Library Staff.
Branch Manager
Statewide Consultants
Statewide Consultants provide consultation and training in a specific subject area.
Continuing Education Section
The Continuing Education Section oversees the Certification Program and offers continuing education. You can find your county’s consultant here.
Regional Consultants
Regional Consultants provide general consulting to libraries in a specific geographic area.
Regional Consultants County Listing(PDF)
Kentucky Map of Regional Consultant's Counties (PDF)
What to Expect from KDLA’s Regional Consultants (PDF)
Services provided by the Library Development Branch of KDLA
are funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services