Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Workforce Development

​​​​​​​​​​Statewide ​​​Job Fair​

To celebrate National Library Week from April 6 - 12, 2025, ​ the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) is partnering with the Lexington Public Library to offer a statewide job fair​​ for Kentuckians.

Statewide Job Fair Participants



Futuriti helps you explore Kentucky's career paths, education and training options, funding sources, and job opportunities. Its Future Finder tool provides state-specific insights on wages, college costs, and more.

Kentucky Adult Educatio​n

Kentucky Adult Education provides free adult education services in all 120 counties to help Kentuckians obtain a GED. Kentucky Adult Education is in the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet. Find your local Kentucky Adult Education Center.

Kentucky Career Centers​​

The Kentucky Career Centers provide job services, veteran employment services, unemployment insurance services, labor market information, and training opportunities. Office locations can be found here.​​

Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS)​​​

The Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) collects and links data to evaluate education and workforce efforts in the Commonwealth. This includes developing reports, responding to research requests, and providing statistical data about these efforts so policymakers, practitioners, and the general public can make better informed decisions. The Career Explorer tool matches Kentuckians to careers that align to their skills, the KentuckyFuture Skills Report shows the projection of jobs in Kentucky and the WorkReady Communities dashboard shows whether communities meet the criteria to be ‘work ready’.

Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs​​

Service members, veterans and spouses may benefit from a federal grant for cybersecurity education. The C4 initiative offers a Cybersecurity certification program open to service members (Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard), veterans, and their spouses.

Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs

Employment resources page.

Kentucky Educational Television Adult Education

KET has worked to make education equitable and accessible for all for more than 50 years. They have resources pertaining to high school equivalency, workplace education, in-demand careers, life-skills and more. All content is course aligned to appropriate college and career readiness standards and general workforce training practices.

Kentucky Educational Television FastForward​​​​​

The FastForward online test-prep system offers on-demand courses in all GED® Test areas: math, language arts, science, and social studies – all conveniently accessed online via your laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone! KET is an aligned content provider for GED Testing Service®, a HiSET® test prep provider, and a TASC publishing partner.

Kentucky Education Television Workplace Essential Skills​​

The Workplace Essential Skills online course focuses on academic skills in math and language arts to help prepare learners for careers in high-demand workplaces. The high-demand career areas that are available through Workplace Essential Skills include: manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, construction, information technology, marketing and sales, and transportation. There is also a separate soft skills course, which is available through Workplace Essential Skills.

Kentucky Virtual Libr​ary​​

The Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) has a page dedicated to Kentucky Adult Education centers and students. KYVL offers GED® Test Prep as well as career tools, video-based computer software training, job hunting resources and more.

Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board​​​

The Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB) serves as an advisory board to the Governor on workforce training and development issues. The KWIB is charged with creating a statewide vision for workforce development and adopting a plan to move Kentucky forward through workforce training and development.

Local Workforce Development Areas

The 10 local workforce development areas in Kentucky plan, oversee, and evaluate workforce service delivery in a multi-county workforce area. Click on the link above to find a map and contact information for each workforce area.


If you have questions concerning adult library services, please contact:

Hilary Writt
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
300 Coffee Tree Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-​1719


Services provided by the Library Development Branch of KDLA
​are funded in part by the
Institute of Museum and Library Services
