These online learning opportunities are for:
Library staff who already hold a certificate and are now earning their required hours for certification renewal.
Library staff who are seeking a Paraprofessional Certification as long as each course taken is more than ten hours in length.
If you have any questions on whether a course can be applied to a first-time paraprofessional certificate, please email
before signing up for the class.
These courses can not be used for initial certification (those applying for a first-time certificate) for Professional certification. If you are seeking courses that can be applied to a first-time Professional certificate, please see the
Online College-Level Courses page.
With the exception of KDLA, some of these providers may charge a fee for some of their online courses or webinars. KDLA assumes no cost for these webinars, nor do we specifically endorse any of these providers.
Follow us on Facebook and X (formally Twitter) for CE and Certification updates!

Questions or comments?
If you have questions or comments for the continuing education staff, please call (502) 564-1727 or email
Services provided by the Library Development Branch of KDLA
are funded in part by the
Institute of Museum and Library Services