Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives


​​​About th​​​e Kits

Contents of a book discussion kit are displayedThe State Library offers numerous adult and youth book discussion kits, as well as programming kits, in a variety of genres and themes.

Book discussion kits include copies of the book (up to 15 for adult kits and 20 for youth), an audiobook when available, and a discussion guide. Some youth book kits also include a large print and/or Spanish copy of the title.

Programming kits encourage kids and adults to explore, create, and learn at the library and at home. These kits contain many developmentally appropriate materials—books, CDs, DVDs, electronics, games or toys, and resource guides​. For more specific information on these kits, please visit Programming Kits​.

Reser​​ving a Kit

Contents of a thematic kit are displayedPlymouth Rocket, the company that runs our Kit Keeper software, has closed shop. The Kit Keeper platform will no longer be available after December 31, 2024. We are currently researching other reservation software; however, it may be a few months before we are able to get a new reservation platform in place. All kits currently reserved will ship as scheduled. To prevent reservations of kits that are already booked, we have decided not to open future kit scheduling at this time. If you have an “emergency" kit that needs to ship prior to 12/31/24, we can check and ship if available. Please contact Deborah Hibbard ( to check availability. Thanks for your patience as we transition to a new reservation system.

​​​​​Browse Kits​​​

Large Print Book Discussion Kits Genre List​​ (PDF)​

Creating Simple Kit Title Lists in Kit Keeper to Print or Save as a PDF​ (PDF)



Who can​ reserve a kit?

Anyone residing in Kentucky can make use of our kits, including schoolteachers and school librarians, homeschooling parents, and community book clubs.  However, all kits must be reserved by a local Kentucky public library staff member.  If you need help determining who to contact at your local public library, please email

When will I get m​y kit?

When scheduling,please allow at leasttwo weeksfor delivery.  Choose a “reserve" date two weeks prior to the date you need the kit.  If you don't receive your kit on time, please contact us ASAP at so that we can make other arrangements.

How long can I ke​​​ep my kit?

Kits check out for a nine-week period from shipping date to due date.  If you need longer than the standard check out period, or need an extension on the due date, please contact 502-564-8378

What happe​ns if items are lost or damaged?

Kits are treated as interlibrary loans and are subject to fees for lost or damaged items depending on the situation.  Any items declared lost but later returned will have the charges reversed.  Youth book discussion kits will not be subject to charges for lost or damaged items unless the total cost exceeds $100.00.  Please contact, 502-564-8378 for more information.

Have a kit suggestion or po​ssible kit donation?

If you have a suggestion for a kit title or have kits you would like to donate to the State Library, you can send that information to us with this Kit Suggestion​ F​orm​​. Suggested titles can also be sent to​
