Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Kentucky Public Library Trustees

​​Library boards have been created by law to act as the governing body of the library. Members of the library board are called library trustees and are public officials with powers delegated to them as a public trust. On this page you’ll find KDLA resources to aid trustees in fulfilling their role in serving their community.


Filling Board Vacancies​ (PDF)

​​​​​Trustee Nomination Forms​​

Kentucky Public Library Trustee Certification Prog​ram

Monthly Report​ - a newsletter distributed to directors and trustees in Kentucky's public libraries

Trustee Manual (PDF)​​

Important Documents

Trustee Application​ (PDF)​

Library Trustee Self Assessment (PDF)

Library Board Profile Worksheet -- Individual (PDF)

Library Board Profile Worksheet -- Summary (PDF)

Trustee Oath of Office (PDF)​​

Library Terms Glossary (PDF)
