Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Local Records Program Grants

​​​​​​​​​​The Local Records Program distributes grant funds to local government agencies to assist them with records management, which includes digitization, security microfilming, supplies/equipment, salary support, and records conse​​rvation. Funds are awarded twice annually, and any local government agency is eligible to apply.

FY 2025​ (Cycle 1) Grant Progr​​am Schedule

​Updates to be provided shortly.  

FY 2024​ (Cycle 2) Grant Progr​​am Schedule

July 3: Cycle opens

July 3 - August 4: Bid specification period (identify records)

August 7 - September 8: Application period (advertise, obtain bids, fill out/submit application)

September 8: FY24C2 ​​​​Application deadline

November 8: LR Grant Review Committee evaluates grant applications for funding recommendation to the State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission

January 18, 2024​: State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission makes grant awards

January 22, 2024: Award notifications are sent to grant applicants

​All applicants m​​ust comply with State and Local procurement requirements as part of the grant application process.

Grant Applicatio​​n Materials

Applications will be reviewed by the Local Records Gra​nt Review Committe​​e​. This committee is comprised of members who are familiar with local government and who have expertise in archives and records management. They will review the applications and make a recommendation to the State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission​​ who will make a final recommendation to the Commissioner of the Department for Libraries and Archives.​

Grant Recipi​​ent Materials

Guidance Docum​​ents

Grant Training for County Cle​​rks


Vendors wishing to be included on the Vendor Lists, please respond to the following questionnaire:  Vendor List Surve​y

* Please note that KDLA makes this list available as a courtesy and assumes no responsibility for further updates. Should links, contact information, etc., change, or for questions or assistance, please contact Julian Adams (julian.adams​@ky.go​​v) with the updated information.​

(Click on the image below to get a full size PDF version)​​

Local Records Regional Administrators

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Local Records Branch Regional Administrator.

Recent Grant A​​wards for 2018 - 2024​


​If you have a question about KDLA's Local Records Grant Program, contact Drew Preston​ or by phone at 502.330.4986.