Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Funding for Libraries

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KDLA grant funding opportunities, guidelines and applications can be found at the grants portal.

The ultimate goal of the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives grant program is to provide adequate and equitable library and information services for all Kentuckians. To that end, KDLA offers grants to libraries and local governments across the state to help them meet the needs of their customer​s.​

Other Resources

The following document has been provided to assist public libraries in locating funds for projects. Grants and awards are updated at least quarterly. Recommendations or corrections to the document can be emailed to Dena Ratliff Warren at

Grants Available to Libraries in KY​ (Google doc)​

The following toolkit provides libraries with tips for grant writing and templates that are involved in planning, applying for, and managing grants:​

Grants Made Easy Toolkit​​