Site Criteria to consider:
Is the location desirable?
Is it a convenient, easily accessible site that people visit frequently?
Will it be a highly visible site providing a good image and identity for the library?
Is it in a government center that patrons and potential patrons visit only occasionally?
Is it in a floodplain?
Does the site have any environmental importance that will limit usability (e.g. wetlands, etc.)?
Does the site have any historic value that may limit your construction options?
Are there any zoning or other applicable building restrictions?
Does the site have fill or other conditions that might make construction difficult/expensive?
Are hazardous materials present that would have to be remediated?
Are utilities available?
Is it in good proximity to schools--not too far or too close?
Is public transit available?
Can it provide adequate parking?
Can you expand your library on this site?
Good commercial sites make good library sites!!!
Have thorough geo-technical testing done on the site!!!
Renovate or Expand an Existing Building
(Review all of the above criteria when considering renovating an existing building.)
Remember expanding
may save money. There are no guarantees.
Can the floors carry 150 pounds per square foot?
Does the building have asbestos or lead paint that will need to be removed?
If expanding into a new building, will the floors and ceilings match?
If expanding into another building, is there a shared center wall and can it be supported to carry a large enough opening into the new space?
Does the building have a lot of columns breaking up the floor space?
Can the building be adapted to provide adequate voice, data, and power wiring?
Can the building be adapted to comply with ADA?
Can the building be adapted to provide adequate restroom facilities?
What will be required to provide an adequate HVAC system?
What will be required to provide security and fire protection?
Does the site allow for adequate parking?
Can the building be expanded again in the future?
Use a
certified property appraiser.
Comparable property information should include:
Who comparable buyers and sellers were.
Total size of comparable lots.
Zoning for comparable lots.
Architect Site Study:
Use an architect you expect to use for the actual building design.
Cover the following issues:
Boundary survey;
Geo-technical testing;
Environmental testing (floodplain determination, wetlands?);
Need for a Phase 1 environmental assessment (for hazardous materials);
Availability of utilities;
Potential zoning issues, etc.
Real Estate Donations:
Is it a good site for a library?
Can the library sell the property if needed in the future?
The library doesn't want to get stuck with a white elephant that uses library funds and can't be liquidated.
Does it have asbestos or any other environmental concerns that need to be considered?
The library may have to pay to have them removed.
Leasing of Library Facilities:
Who will pay for immediate remodeling and repairs?
What is the term of the lease?
What will the yearly rent be? ($1.00 per year?)
How much notice is required to vacate?
How will utilities expenses be determined and divided?
How will yard and parking maintenance expenses be divided?
Who will decide on and pay for maintenance of library space?
Who will pay for insurance?
Who will decide on and pay for maintenance of common spaces?
Adding Branches:
Potential concerns:
Duplicate staff;
Double utilities;
Duplicate collection;
Double insurance;
Duplicate software licensing;
Double telecommunications hardware and access expenses.
Would enhanced bookmobile service fill the need?
Would a book drop/pick-up lockers ("Express Pick-Up") fill the need?