Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Local Government Records Services

​​The Local Records Branch provides records management assistance to more than 2,900 local government agencies within the Commonwealth.  ​These services are provided by five regional administrators strategically located:


Local records grant application information and direct service assistance can be obtained by contacting the Regional Administrator for your area or by visiting the Local Records Program Grants​ page.

Local Records Branch is dedicated to providing free hands-on, in-office service to all local agencies.

(Click on the image below to get a full size PDF version)

Local Records Regional Administrators​​



  • Assist with the use of the appropriate Records Retention Schedule and the destruction of obsolete records.
  • Provide records management education training through the presentation of workshops
  • Provide guidance for the creation of local government records management programs
  • Provide records management consultative services, including new technologies
  • Provide assistance in planning local records grant projects and in monitoring progress
  • Prepare records for microfilming
  • Provide 24 hour service for records disaster recovery assistance


Records Mana​​gement Trainings


Local Records Progr​​​​am Grant

  • Security microfilming
  • Records management equipment
  • Conservation and preservation of archival records
  • Establishing local archives
  • Ordinance codification
  • Salary support for scanning and indexing or to establish a records management program



For questions about Local Government Records, contact Drew Preston at 502.330.​4986 or via email ​andrewd,
