Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission


​​The State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission advises the Department for Libraries and Archives on matters relating to federal and state library develop​ment issues, archives and records management, federal and state funding, public library standards, and other federal and state library and archival service issues. The commission has the authority to review and approve schedules for retention and destruction of records submitted by state and local agencies. In all cases, the commission determines questions that relate to destruction of public records, and has final and exclusive authority to determine the ultimate disposition of Kentucky's public records. Its decisions are binding on all parties concerned, and those decisions can only be modified or otherwise changed by its own actions.

As part of the commission's responsibilities, they review proposed programs and policies regarding implementation of the Library Services and Technology Act and other library issues; make funding recommendations to the Commissioner of the Department for Libraries and Archives; ensure that records of enduring value are preserved for use by future generations; assure a more efficient and economical use of tax dollars by providing for the timely destruction of records that have ceased to have value; and ensure that the intent of Kentucky's public records law, as defined in KRS 171.410 - 171.740, is met.

The commission is a seventeen member body composed of:

  • the State Librarian or their designee, who serves as chair of the Commission;
  • the Secretary of the Cabinet for Education and Labor Cabinet or their designee, who shall serve as vice chairperson;
  • the Auditor of Public Accounts or their designee;
  • the State Law Librarian or their designee;
  • the Director of the Legislative Research Commission or their designee;
  • the Attorney General or their designee;
  • the Director of the Kentucky Military Heritage Commission or a designee of the commission;
  • the Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth or their designee;
  • the President of the Kentucky Association of School Librarians or their designee;
  • the Executive Director of the Kentucky Historical Society or their designee;
  • the Executive Director of the Kentucky Library Association or their designee;
  • the President of the Council on Postsecondary Education or their designee;
  • one member representing library users with disabilities;
  • one member representing disadvantaged persons;
  • two members representing library users; and
  • one member who is not an elected official, appointed by the Governor from a list of three persons, with one name submitted by each of the presidents of the Kentucky League of Cities, the Kentucky Association of Counties, and the Kentucky Association of School Administrators.​

The composition of the commission's membership is designed to ensure that Kentucky citizens, libraries, and government agencies are fairly represented.

Minutes of Past M​eetings

Meetin​g Materials​​

  • None at this time.​

Schedule Revisions Available for Comment