Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

State Records Direct Services

​​​​​​​The State ​​Re​cords Branch provides records management assistance to all state government agencies​ in all branches of government. Records Analysts provide direct, hands-on assistance. To find the contact for records management at a specific agency, please click here​.​

​The services Records Analysts provide include:

  • Assistance in drafting Records Retention Schedules and presenting them to the State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission.
  • Assistance with the use of the appropriate Records Retention Schedule and the destruction of obsolete records.
  • Providing guidance for the creation of records management programs.
  • Providing records management consultant services, including advice on the use of new technologies.
  • Providing records management training through workshops.

These services are provided free of charge.

​Records Management​ Training​​​

Are you a state employee in need of training or a refresher on records management? Free, live training is available! Register through MyPurpose for one of the following dates and times (times are in Eastern):

  • February 25, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (virtual)
  • May 21, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (virtual)
  • August 26, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (in person)
  • November 19, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.  (virtual)

​​​If you are unable to attend one of the above dates ​or need training for your agency specifically, please reach out to your Records Analyst to schedule!

State Re​​cords Center

The State Records Center (SRC) provides storage and retrieval services for records with a limited retention period and for permanent records that are still in frequent use. SRC is located at 1425 Leestown Road in Frankfort.

Agencies storing records at SRC should use boxes available through Baumann Paper Co. The item number is PCA-ARCHIVE. They are also available through ODP​ Business Solutions. The item number is 2281436 or D13094682.

Agencies storing records at SRC should use labels provided free of charge through the State Records Branch.

Agencies storing records at SRC should complete and submit a Records Transmittal before the records are transferred.

Records storage at SRC costs $0.43 per cubic foot​ per month. That price includes:

  • Easy access to all forms needed to initiate a records transfer (records transmittals, box labels, etc.)
  • Records pickup within Frankfort
  • Records shelving, storage, control, and tracking
  • A copy of the Records Transmittal that specifies the location of each box
  • Retrieval of specific records by file, folder, box,​ or multi-box shipment
  • Re-filing of specific files, folders, or boxes
  • Interfiling of records into shipments already at the State Records Center
  • Destruction of records stored at the State Records Center when their retention period has expired. The State Records Center cooperates with the recycling program of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet. If records are deemed confidential, special shredding measures are available which assure the privacy of that material.
    • ​Requests for destruction authorizations may be sent to the Records Officer via email or DocuSign.


Pickup and delivery services for the State Records Center are​ suspended in the months December and June. Records requests will not be impacted by these suspensions.


The State of the Records

Read past issues of the State Records Branch newsletter, or sign up to receive them!

The State of the Records Newsletter Archive


  • For questions about State Government Records, contact Cathrine Giles at 502.564.​1702 or via email

  • ​For questions about State Records Center services, please call 502.564.3617 or email​.