Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Records Transfer


​​​Legal Framework

  • KRS 171.580 authorizes KDLA to accept and maintain state, local and certain private records that are “determined by the department to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their continued preservation.”

  • KRS 171.550 authorizes KDLA to establish a centralized records center to store, process and service records of government agencies, pending their deposit in the State Archives or other legally authorized disposition. State or local agency records of permanent historical value may be transferred to the State Archives, while non-permanent agency records or permanent records likely to have a high rate of access, may be transferred to the State Records Center.

  • 725 KAR 1:025 Transfer of public records, requires the department to promulgate administrative regulations governing the transfer of public records. This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for the transfer of public records from governmental agencies to the department.

Guidance Documents


KDLA is looking to offer training tools and opportunities in the coming months. Stay tuned for announcements on upcoming training.


For more information on transferring records to the state archives contact Cathrine Giles, State Records Branch Manager, at 502.564.1702 or via email at: cathrine.giles@ky.go​v