9 images that illustrate lesser-known services that the Kentucky Talking Book Library offers. These are intended for use on library social media pages, but can also be used as a physical print-out if libraries so wish. These are provided as PNG image files with a resolution of 1200x720 pixels. Suggested alt text is also provided below each image.

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" Below that is text that says “you can use the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) mobile app on your device to listen to books and magazines [bold] on your own device." In the top right of the image is a picture of a smartphone and a tablet with the BARD interface pulled up. Next to these is a HumanWare braille eReader device. On the bottom of the image is the BARD app logo. Next to that it reads “BARD Mobile is available on iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire Tablet devices." At the bottom right is the KTBL logo with our contact information: Toll Free: 800-372-2968, Local: 502-564-5791, and email:
Book Club

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is semi-bold text “We have a book club!" Below that is standard text which reads “It meets the third Tuesday of each month!" On the second line of the graphic, there is text that says “join your librarians and patrons from across the state virtually in lively literary conversation!" To the right of that is the KTBL logo with “KTBL Book Club" next to it. Below this is text that reads “Call or email and ask to be put on the KTBL book club mailing list." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"
Braille eReader

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is semi-bold text “We have eReaders…for braille!" Below that is a picture of a HumanWare braille eReader on top of its instruction manual. To the left of that is text reading: “we offer braille eReaders so that our patrons don't have to lug around big braille volumes if they want to read on the go!" Below this is text that reads “Call or email and ask to be put on the KTBL book club mailing list." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is semi-bold text “We loan braille books!" Below that is a picture of a woman sitting at a table reading a braille book. To the left of that is text reading: “Talking books aren't the only materials we offer! Our patrons who read braille can also use braille books or braille eReaders to enjoy their books!" Below this is text that reads “Call or email and ask to be put on the KTBL book club mailing list." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"
You Don't Need to be Blind

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is text that reads “You don't need to be blind to use talking books!" Below is semi-bold text that reads “less than 40% of KTBL patrons are blind," followed by “if you have a hard time reading even with glasses, have trouble holding a book, or have a condition that makes reading difficult you may be eligible for free talking books!" In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right are pictures of a talking book player and cartridge in a container and a man holding a smartphone with the BARD Mobile app interface on it.

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is text that reads “If you have dyslexia, you're eligible for Talking Books!" Below is semi-bold text that reads “2% of KTBL patrons have reading disabilities," followed by “if you have a hard time reading even with glasses, have trouble holding a book, or have a condition that makes reading difficult you may be eligible for free talking books!" In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"

A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is text that reads “We loan accessible music sheets!" Below that is a picture of a man in a red zip-up hoodie and sunglasses playing piano by referring to a braille music sheet. His left hand is on the piano keys and his right hand is on a braille music sheet. To the left of this picture is text that says “We can loan educational materials, including braille sheet music, so that music education is available for everyone!" Below in smaller print, it reads “KTBL does not provide commercial music for listening." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"

“A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is text that reads “We loan accessible music sheets!" Below that is a picture of a print-braille book, with a translucent braille page on top of a picture page. To the left of that is text that reads “Print-braille books are picture books that have braille added on separate pages so a blind reader can read braille while a sighted reader can still see the pictures." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"

“A graphic with a blue background. In large, bold print, the graphic reads “Did you know?" To the right of that is text that reads “We record books too" Below that is a picture of a microphone in one of KTBL's recording books with an open book in the background. To the left of that is text that reads “KTBL has been recording books since the 1970s. We record books about Kentucky topics, Kentucky history, Kentucky people, and more. They are available on BARD and on cartridge." In the bottom left is the KTBL logo with our contact information: toll-free: 800-372-2968, local: 502-564-5791, email: ktbl.mail@ky.gov. On the bottom right is a QR code with an arrow that says “scan here for more information!"