The guidelines below refer to “credit line," “logo," and “KDLA boilerplate language." Here's what we mean by those terms:
Credit Line
"This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [include IMLS grant number when space allows]." Do not alter the position or color of our brandmark.
KDLA logos are available in color and black and white and in a variety of formats, including jpg and png.
The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, located at 300 Coffee Tree Road in Frankfort, is an agency of the Education and Labor Cabinet. KDLA provides many services in support of libraries, archives, records management, state employees, and the blind and print disabled through the Kentucky Talking Book Library. For more information, please visit
In materials that contain or present substantive project content, such as an exhibition, article, catalogue or other publication, video documentary, or online exhibition or website, the acknowledgement must also include the following statement: “The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication) (program) (exhibition) (website) (article) do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services." If you have any questions about whether your product requires this statement, please Nickolas Oatley, Information Officer II at (502) 564-8375.
Acknowledgment of Support in Publicity and Public Events
News Releases
IMLS boilerplate and logo should be used in your press releases.
Social Media
You may make use of the social media messages KDLA generates on the day of the grant award announcements or other news from KDLA. On that day, you can retweet the
KDLA tweet about the grant program awards and “like" or comment on the KDLA Facebook page or the
KDLA Instagram page. If you issue your own posts, be sure to include @KYDeptLibArch in your tweets, @KYDeptLibArch on your Instagram post and @KYDepartmentForLibrariesAndArchives on your Facebook page.
Public Events
At programs or public gatherings related to your award, acknowledge KDLA orally. Display the logo on signage at events.
Hex Color Codes
KDLA Primary Text Used
- Poppins (Regular)
Poppins (Bold)
KDLA Logos
KDLA Logo Option 1 (with text)

.jpg version
.png version
KDLA Logo Option 2 (no text)

.jpg version
.png version
KDLA Logo Option 3 (grayscale, with text)
For situations where the primary and alternate color logos with not suit the application, such as legal and official documents and branded items, it is acceptable to use the gray scale logos.
.jpg version
.png version
KDLA Logo Option 4 (grayscale, no text)

.jpg version
.png version
Kentucky Talking Book Library Logo Option 1 (with text)
.jpg version
.png version
Kentucky Talking Book Library Logo Option 2 (no text)
.jpg version
.png version
Kentucky Talking Book Library Logo Option 3 (white, with text)
.jpg version
.png version
Kentucky Talking Book Library Logo Option 4 (white, no text)
.jpg version
.png version
KDLA & IMLS combined logos
.jpg version
.png version
For guidelines on the use of the IMLS logo please consult these resources: