Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Requesting Records from the Archives

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Submit your request for recor​ds from the collections of the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) online using this form.

​​​​​Click Here
Order Records​

  • If you experience any issues with the form consult these instructions for clarification:
    Online Ordering Instructions

  • Consult our Records Inventory for the availability of KDLA records when considering placing an order with us:
    County Records Inventory

  • Refer to our Research Guides to learn more about KDLA holdings of specific record types or subjects:
    Research Guides​

Records Req​​uest Forms

If you prefer to not use a credit card for the research fee, you can fill out one of the request forms below and mail it, along with a check, to:

Archives Research Room
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
P.O. Box 537
300 Coffee Tree Road
Frankfort, KY 40602

Your request will be handled in the order of its receipt. Please allow 4-6 weeks for a response. Check or money order should be payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. Do not send cash.​​​

Birth Record Request

  • For birth records after 1911, please contact the Office of Vital Statistics at (502) 564-4212.
  • (CLICK HERE for a list of birth records for 1852-1910 available at the Archives, by county.)
  • (CLICK HERE for a list of birth records for 1852-1910 available at the Archives, by city.)

Census Record Request

Civil Case File Record Request

  • (CLICK HERE for a list of dates of civil and criminal case files available at the Archives, by county.)

Court of Appeals Record Request

Criminal Case File Record Request

  • (CLICK HERE for a list of dates of civil and criminal case files available at the Archives, by county.)

Death Record Request

  • For death records after 1966, please contact the Office of Vital Statistics at (502) 564-4212.
  • (CLICK HERE for a list of death records for 1852-1910 available at the Archives, by county.)
  • (CLICK HERE for a list of death records for 1852-1910 available at the Archives, by city.)

Deed Record Request

Divorce Record Request

  • (CLICK HERE​ for a list of dates of civil and criminal case files available at the Archives, by county.)​

Marriage Record Request

Military Record Request

Name Change Record Request

Naturalization Record Reque​st

Probate/Will Record Request

Tax Record Request


*Please be advised that our fees changed​ on August 1, 2024.  Click here to see the new fees:  NEW FEES  

Billing (In-St​​ate Patrons)

In-state customers must submit a $10.00 non-refundable search and copy fee with each research request.

Check or money order should be payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.  Do n​ot send cash.

Billing (Out-of-Sta​​te Patrons)

Out-of-state customers must submit a $15.00 n​on-refundable research fee with each research​ request. Staff will not undertake any research unless this fee is pre-paid.

Check or money order should be payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.  ​Do not send cash.

PLEASE NOTE: Additional copy charges (25¢ per photocopy and 50¢ per microfilm copy), as well as postage charges, will be applied to requests that require the reproduction of extensive records consisting of more than 20 photocopies and/or 10 microfilm copies. Please allow 4-6 weeks for a response.