Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

State Government Records Retention Schedules


​​Rec​ords Retention Schedules list the re​cords created, used and maintained by state age​ncy personnel, alon​​g with retention and disposal information for those records. Retention Schedules for Kentucky State Agencies are approved and updated as necessary by the State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission. These Schedules have been incorporated into the Administrative Regula​tion 725 KAR 1:061, Records retention schedules; authorized schedules, which was updated most recently in 2015.

All of Kentucky’s state government personnel should use the General Schedule for State Agencies. This Schedule covers common records created by all or most state agencies. Exa​mples of these types of records are payroll or personnel records, budgeting records, fiscal records, correspondence or meeting minutes.​

General Schedu​​les:

​Agency Specific Sche​dules:

​Most state agency personnel will also use a Retention Schedule specific to their agency. This agency-specific schedule covers records that are not on the​​ General Schedule for State Agencies or records that agencies must keep for a longer period of time than required on the General Schedule.​​​​
