Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Organizational Information


The mission of KDLA is to support and promote access to library services and to ensure that documentation of government activities is created, preserved and made available for public use.


We envision a future in which Kentuckians value the importance of libraries and Kentucky government records and we are recognized for:

  • Innovative and creative approaches for preserving and providing access to government records
  • Enabling libraries to be essential to their communities
  • Being a va​lued partner in the educational and economic development of the Commonwealth

Strategic Plan

2023-2027 LSTA ​Five-Year Plan​​ (PDF)​​​​


Division Descriptions

​​Organizational Chart​​​ (PDF)


History of the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives​​

"Kentucky Wo​ods"

photo of the "Kentucky Woods" sculpture


The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee was formed in 2021.