Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Library Development Branch Staff

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Library Development Branch at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives works with public library directors, staff, and trustees to improve public library services for all Kentuckians.​ Highlights of KDLA’s services and resources for public libraries can be found on KDLA Resources for Public Library Staff​.

Branch Man​​ager

Statewide Consul​​tants

Statewide Consultants provide consultation and training in a specific subject area.

Continuing Educat​​​ion Section

The Continuing Education Section oversees the Certification Program and offers continuing education. You can find your county’s consultant here​.

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Regional Consulta​​nts

Regional Consultants provide general consulting to libraries in a specific geographic area.​

Regional Consultants County Listing(PDF)​​

Kentucky Map of Regional Consultant's Counties​​​ (PDF)

What to Expect from KDLA’s Regional Consultants​​​​​ (PDF)


Services provided by the Library Development Branch of KDLA
​are funded in part by the
Institute of Museum and Library Services
